The Wake-Up Game

Jake and Jerome were two kids living in a small house with their single mother. They loved to play tricks on each other, especially in the morning. They had a game they played where who ever woke up first would wait for the other to open his eyes, then shout in his face to startle him awake. Though their mother found the shouts to be obnoxious, she didn't complain because at least it meant she wouldn't have to put up with them being too tired to get out of bed in the morning. Their game was consistently played because they almost always woke up around the same time.
Of course, the one receiving the shouting wouldn't enjoy it nearly as much as the shouter and would try to get the other back as soon as possible, which usually meant the next morning. Jerome usually woke up first, so Jake was almost always the one getting screamed out of bed. This greatly annoyed Jake, not only because of the rude awakening, but because he'd have to listen to his brother laughing in triumph all day. So Jake devised a plan.
When Jake woke up the next morning, knowing Jerome would be waiting for him to open his eyes, he purposely kept his eyes shut, planning to startle Jerome by screaming first. As soon as his mind was fully conscious, he carefully cracked open his eyes just enough to make out the silhouette standing next to his bed, looking down at him. He smirked very faintly, not wanting to give away the fact he finally had the upperhand on his brother for once.
He noticed the cold air from the outside window brushing against his toes, which were stuck out from under the covers. At first the breeze felt good, but it got uncomfortably cold fast. Why would Jerome or their mother open the window in the middle of Winter? It didn't make any sense. Maybe his mom had opened it for fresh air while cleaning or something. He heard her in the kitchen singing along with the loud radio music. Her horrible attempt at hitting one of the high notes was too much for him. His lips curled into a smile before he bolted upright in bed, laughing out while plugging his ears in anticipation of Jerome's incoming shout. That's when he heard the familiar sound of Jerome's laughter in the kitchen.
Jake hesitantly opened his eyes.
That wasn't his brother.